Wednesday, October 15, 2014


This blog is a place for me to write to you.  How exciting, right?  I want to tell you how much I love you and write down all of the amazing things that you do.  Sometimes I may remember and recount the things that you did when you were little(er), sometimes I may think forward to when you will be older, and of course I will sometimes detail the adventures we recently had.

I love it when I get home and you are so excited to see me.  You run up yelling "Daddy!" and give me a big hug.  It's the best part of my day.  I also love cooking breakfast with you.  We are the first ones up, well, you and then me by default.  Once you potty and we come downstairs you are usually my awesome little helper.  You are looking to toast frozen waffles and help me break eggs.  I'll have you independent in the kitchen by the time you're 5!

If it's nice this weekend we might have a canoe adventure together :)

I love you,
